Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Author / Illustrator Event at BOOK RACK in Nbpt

Take the train up from Boston or wheel down 93/95 from NH!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Mundane Museum of Boring Grown-Up Tedium

Can you think of anything more boring to kids? Lots of room to stuff in some BORING! ... yawn.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Jumbonormous" conceptual sketches

visual brainstorming a new picture book project...

Sunday, February 07, 2010


quick illo for the Maine Illustrators' site... which BG looks best?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Year In Review: 2009

It was a different year for me, to say the least. On a personal level, it was a wonderful year with a new house and a new baby (although technically she arrived 12/08). Professionally, things were a bit stagnant, like a lot of areas of our economy. 2006, 2007, 2009 all saw me do very well as a full time freelance illustrator. But after turning down a 6 book deal (because I was Daddy Daycare), I had no book offers come my way all of 2009. Pictured below are some of the jobs and personal projects I dabbled with.

Monday, January 11, 2010

rejected drawings

"fight", "fort" and "flakes"

rejected images from an illustrated icons project i am working on.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Hard Hab-It To Break

I suffer from the unfortunate affliction of being an obsessive hockey fan, particularly a Montreal Canadiens fan. I wish I could stop, sometimes. I have been able (until very recently) to keep my hockey watching urges in check by not ordering cable. I am, however, unable to keep myself from hanging on each review from online bloggers like Apon Basu's daily hab-it http://dailyhab-it.blogspot.com/. In a weak attempt to validate this addiction, I've offered to do a logo design for his site. As such, here are some of the ROUGH first brainstorms:

I want the image to be clear but with a retro NFBC-esque feel.